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Important Announcement

Dear Crossroads family, we want to inform you that as of Thursday, October 17, 2024, we have been directed to cease all operations at the Crossroads facility due to not passing our recent fire inspection. While this comes with great surprise and disappointment, we request your prayers for wisdom and discernment as we move forward in working with the city. We understand the impact this may have on many, and in the meantime, we are working to relocate various Crossroads functions to alternate locations. We sincerely appreciate your continued prayers and incredible support.


Also, we are unable to accept donations of physical items while we are unable to use our store space.


If you have questions please message us here or call (715) 682-1053 if no answer please leave a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.




Unfortunately, due to the city of Ashland's changing requirements over the past few years, Crossroads has not been able to accomplish a number of our ministries. Financially, we are not able to keep up with the demands and still accomplish our mission of " working together to build healthier communities...". Because of this we have had to close our housing program, our store, and life and job skill training programs. Some of our ministries can and are continuing outside our building.


However, we have a challenge to remove the things that we have in our building. We have been incredibly blessed by the people in our community that have so generously given to our store, and we were able for a short time to give back to our community great items for very little cost. We need to get the rest of the items to people in need in our community. Churches, social services and any other resources that can use what we have to help our community, please let us know. We will unfortunately have to sell a lot of our machines, tools, office stuff and so much more! We will keep you informed on what we have to sell and when. We plan to do a lot of it on Marketplace.


As Crossroads moves forward, we will continue to work towards creating solutions to improve the health of our community through our faith in Jesus Christ. We are excited to see how God will accomplish this. Thank you for your support and prayers on this journey.


Rich Larson,

Crossroads founder and CEO

Ministry Vision

We are seeking a real God who is transforming real people


Over 10 Years of Ministry

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We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Mission Crew for their incredible service at Crossroads Outreach. Your help, support, and encouragement have made a lasting impact on our community. We are so grateful for the time and effort you dedicated to our mission!​


Thank you mission crew!


Foster Church Unity

Training and Equipping

Working Together to Build Healthier Communities…

      By coming alongside Churches, Ministries, and Individuals


Partnering Community Relationships


Discipleship is at our core


Looking for Resources?

Crossroads serves a wide range of people from nearly all walks of life, here are some of the resources we offer or are connected with: (Click each title for more info)

  • Changing Hope - The foundation we build based on individual needs. This helps us determine how we can best serve each individual and their unique needs.

  • Almond Tree - Drug & Alcohol Recovery material with a focus on modifying behaviors and learning tools to overcome addiction.

  • H.O.P.E. - Healing Of People, Everyone. Weekly support meetings.

  • Conquer Series - Men’s Sexual Purity Group.

  • Bible Studies - Groups that study scripture together.

  • Mentoring - Life skills working with a mentor.

  • Life Relaunch - Intense two-day training various sessions.

  • Warriors Journey - Follow up to Life Relaunch.

  • War Room Worship - Music and Prayer gathering.

  • Workshops - Marriage, Grief, Budgeting, etc.

  • Reclamation Workshop - Discovering abilities & teaching a variety of job skills.

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Contact Us 

Office Address:     3600 Ellis Avenue                                             Ashland, WI 54806 
Mailing Address:  3600 Ellis Avenue
                                 Ashland, WI 54806 

Phone: (715) 682-1053

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©2018 by Crossroads Outreach Center

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