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Gods Battle

Updated: Jun 24

Hosea 1:7

…and will save them by the Lord their God…

As I read this this morning I was thinking about how over the course of my life I have tended to be a person who has always cared about what people have thought about me. Like I have always had something to prove whether it be in business or how I look or what I’m driving. I have tended to be one who is entirely too self conscious. Self conscious but up until this last year not very self aware. My life was largely about me and how I was viewed by others. Up until recently I’ve always had an overwhelming desire to be seen or recognized or noticed. That monster lerks just below the surface in most areas of my life but I have recognized that about myself and now when I see him I keep that person surrendered to Jesus. He is my security. He is my identity. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks or believes about me! It doesn’t matter what anybody feels I am. I am who and what He says that I am.

So that being said and identifying that personal battle that I’ve had for many years most of my struggles I’ve tried to and have dealt with largely on my own since they were of my own doing. I have fought my own battles and have done whatever I felt I needed to make things “better” and to meet that need in my heart and mind.

But some issues are just to big and some problems just to massive and absolutely nothing can be done about them but trust the Lord and cry out to Jesus for. This is where we find the nation of Judah. All messed up like Israel and it seems in scripture that God most of the time used some miraculous battle scene or supernatural empowerment of His people to overcome their enemies but here we find Him saying not this time. I’m gonna do it all with no input or involvement from anyone. There are problems like that in life. In yours and mine.

Problems where the only thing to do is to pray and trust Jesus in the situation or need. Nothing else needed.

That’s what He said in my heart this morning as I read this. Just trust me I got this problem for you. You can’t do nothing but I can. You just stay surrendered and humble and open and have your heart and ears ready for what I want to and will do for you.

He is working all things in this life for my good!! He is working it for yours too!!

Nothing is needed but a heart ready to receive in many instances. One that says God I give up trying on my own and I’m just gonna trust you 100% with everything and every outcome.

That’s it for me today and this was an encouraging word for me in the start of what appears to be a beautiful blue sky day.

Blessings to your day and let’s put down the personal striving today and just rest in the truth that Jesus has it all under control.


He loves you!!

And so do I!!

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