Meet The Board

Crossroads Board members
Jim & Chris Lagarde
Jim and Chris Lagarde moved to Ashland in 2017 after raising and home schooling four children in the Shell Lake, WI area. As retired RN’s, they felt God calling them to the Ashland area. After moving to this region, they felt more re-fired than retired. Chris volunteered in the office on Main Street as receptionist, assisting with homeless placement and Crossroad’s public events. Jim initially helped with the office renovation and then as a volunteer and board member. Currently Jim and Chris fellowship at C3 Church where Jim is a board member and Chris is directing the annual Watch the Lamb drama. They both participate in “One Voice Prayer” – a prayer group that meets weekly at Crossroads. Together they host a weekly community prayer group in their home. “Our heart is for restoration – to see individuals restored to God and all he created them to be. Crossroad’s ministry provides a platform to accomplish this, through a variety of means… and that’s why we’re here.”

Crossroads Board member
Rich Larson
Rich was born and raised in northern Wisconsin. He is blessed with an amazing wife Heidi of over 30 years and three boys who constantly humble him with their desire to serve the Lord. Rich has been blessed to be a part of God raising up three church plants, the Brick Ministry, Crossroads Outreach Center, and various other ministries while working with Converge Great Lakes and being a pastor for over twenty-five years. His passion is obedience and faithfulness to his God, family, and calling. Along the way, God and people have shown him great grace, love, and forgiveness. I see myself as a recovering Pharisee who still struggles at times with pharisaical tendencies. I believe God is restoring and redeeming His Church and land in northern Wisconsin. I believe as we continue to seek Christ and His transforming power through His Holy Spirit, the Church again in northern Wisconsin will see His Kingdom come and His will be done in a way that will honor and glorify the Father in Heaven.

Crossroads Board member
Heidi Larson
RN, BSN, CTTS, AE-C is the Ambulatory Care Nursing Supervisor at Essentia Health Ashland Clinic in Ashland, WI. She has been a registered nurse since 1991 serving in a variety of roles including diabetes educator and tobacco cessation counselor, but her initial and ongoing passion in nursing focused on caring for people battling severe mental illness and chemical dependency. Heidi has been active in ministry leadership roles including being a worship leader for 27 years, Freedom in Christ facilitator & prayer partner mom's ministry coordinator, women's Bible study leader. Community involvement has included being the Project Safe Graduation coordinator and volunteering in various outreach projects through Crossroads Outreach Ministry.
Her biggest accomplishments include:
Being graced with the mission of raising boys who are now young men following the Lord with great passion, seeking where he would have them serve in ministry.
Getting to journey this life and ministry adventure with a man after God's own heart, her husband Rich Larson.
Having the opportunity to lead the broken to Christ in unexpected circumstances or into a place of freedom through counseling and prayer - one cherished example is introducing a young man dying with AIDs related dementia to Jesus just before he stepped into eternity.
The priviledge of leading fellow believers into the presence of God through worship on a regular basis.
Being open to the Holy Spirit's leading to encourage & love whomever He puts in her path.
Taking care of God's creatures He's gifted her with through the years, most currently her Daisy labradoodle and beautiful chickens (she is a crazy chicken lady).
Heidi has been involved with Crossroads from the onset as God birthed it through a vision to her husband, Rich. She has been active in serving with Crossroads by ministering to women seeking healing and freedom, actively praying for Crossroads, a financial supporter, leading worship at community gatherings, serving on backyard mission trips, and most importantly being Rich's biggest champion and supporter in doing what he has been called to do through Crossroads. She looks forward to being a part of what God will continue to do as the body of Christ gets set free, is on fire, and equipped to be the hands and feet of Jesus to broken people in a healthy way.

Crossroads Board members
Scott Ritchie & Diane Ritchie
Scott was born and raised in America’s great East Coast to understand the power of legacy and inheritance. Although financially astute, his heart lacked the grounding of true identity and thus as a young man, he wavered in the world of drugs trying to find significance. Jesus interrupted his wandering with a wake up call to his destiny to be a great husband and father, his identity being restored by the love of the good, good Father of Heaven. Since that time, a new man began to rise out of the ashes, receiving mentoring from Godly men and becoming engaged in mentoring young men himself. Today, Scott co-leads an international foundation with his wife Diane through which they equip and empower “local unsung heroes” in both national and international communities to bring hope and revival through the seven mountains of influence. His passion is to see sons and daughters of a good Heavenly King walk in their true identity, legacy and inheritance and to “Dream Bigger” than they have ever imagined. What a joy to be a part of Crossroad Board of Directors, to see sons and daughters loosed from the orphan spirit, rebuilt from the inside out and launched into society to carry the victorious Kingdom reality
For the past 3 decades, Diane’s life has been empowered and centered around the Presence of a King. He stepped into her life after a 6 year spiral from a satanic curse, and rescued her to become who she was always meant to be- an ambassador for Heaven. Since that time, her deepest heart’s desire is to see others set free from all types of bondage, pain and lies. It is a humble honor to follow the invitation of King Jesus anywhere. Although educated as a Critical Care Nurse, her greatest delight is to bring healing to the soul and spirit. This passion has taken her to places of deepest darkness, places where people wrestle with drugs, crime, fear, intimidation, poverty and despair. Walking in the authority of Heaven, she equips and engages others to trample on the works of the enemy in schools, government structures, cities, and nations and teaches them to raise up the Kingdom of God to fill the seven mountains of influence and disciple regions and nations. King Jesus has equipped her with visionary leadership that excites and engages teams to champion the cause of heaven while here on earth. It is a great honor to join the Crossroads team as a board member and to strive for Heaven to come and Jesus’ will to be done here in the Northwoods.