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Welcome to The Warriors Journey


A Transformative Discipleship Ministry for Warriors of Purpose


Our Mission

Our ultimate goal is to equip you to be a disciple maker. We ask for two commitments:

  1. Regular Invitation: Consistently invite others to join a Life Relaunch event.

  2. Warriors Journey Disciple Maker: Commit to becoming a Warriors Journey disciple maker. This involves following up weekly with 2-3 people who've undergone Life Relaunch, engaging in calls/meetings, and mirroring the support you receive from your battle buddy.

There are groups for both Men & Women who've been through Life Relaunch


Weekly Topics

Guiding Principles

As we embark on this transformative journey,
let's establish some standards:

  • Confidentiality: Respect the trust within our group; everything shared is confidential.

  • We Focus on Personal and Spiritual Matters: Delve into personal experiences, family, and your relationship with our Heavenly Father.

  • No Gossip: Our time together is sacred; focus on personal growth and spiritual nourishment.

  • Take it Seriously: Treat each session with the gravity it deserves; commit to showing up, engaging, and being active.

  • Respectful Communication: Maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect, even when discussing differing opinions.

  • Prayerful Reflection: Incorporate prayer into discussions; make it an integral part of our relationship with the Father.

  • Openness to Growth: Encourage openness to new perspectives and a willingness to challenge oneself for spiritual development.

  • Celebrating Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate victories, fostering a positive and encouraging atmosphere.

  • Consistent Engagement: Emphasize the importance of consistent engagement for lasting transformation.

What do we actually do?

Here is an example from The Warriors Journey Material

Some groups do a weekly phone call but you and your battle buddy might decide to meet Monday mornings before work for a cup of coffee.  After greetings you dive into the material for the week which is:


Reflecting God's Mercy

• Scripture: Psalm 103:8 - "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love."

• Reflection: How do you actively reflect God's mercy in your daily interactions?

• Accountability Question: Can you share a specific instance where you extended mercy to someone in a challenging situation this week?


In addition to calling or meeting with your battle buddy we will periodically plan larger group events such as fishing trips, cookouts, or other group activities.

Why do I need to apply?

The Warriors Journey is a Mastermind Style Discipleship Ministry

We took some inspiration for this ministry from groups called "Masterminds" these groups focus on different area's of expertise and growth. They are a conduit to bring individuals of high caliber together. While we don't intend to be highly selective we want to control the flow so to speak; as we have mentors available new applicants will be matched up but sometimes there will be a waiting period as new mentors are being trained especially if there are many new applicants at one time. So we encourage you to sign up below to join the waiting list!


I want to join the waiting list for The Warriors Journey!

Thanks for applying we'll be in touch soon.


Contact Us 

Office Address:     3600 Ellis Avenue                                             Ashland, WI 54806 
Mailing Address:  3600 Ellis Avenue
                                 Ashland, WI 54806 

Phone: (715) 682-1053

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©2018 by Crossroads Outreach Center

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